1/10 Good days

I have a 1/10 good days!

The bad days:

I oversleep, I undersleep, I get sick, I get bloated, I am waiting for money in my bank account, I have to go to the doctor for the second time in a week, I am withdrawing some med that was keeping me sane, I’m bitter, I’m sensitive to noise, I can’t focus at all, I need to workout, I am too socially anxious to go into my living room and run into my rommies, I feel lonely, I hate my hair, I hate my body, I don’t have food in the fridge, I don’t know where I’m going, I don’t feel like doing anything, I feel old, I feel resented, I can’t date, I am easily distracted.

The good days:

I have lust for life, I have energy, I enjoy doing things, I know where I am going, I am sociable, I have hope, I feel FINE, I feel hot, I feel beautiful, I can see what makes me special and unique, I want to show everyone that I’m not always miserable, I workout.


I might like you better If we slept together

Today it’s my date with Tinder dud. I always tell myself I won’t sleep w the boy on the first date but after a couple of beers, I change my mind and I’m like: “whatever! YOLO! CARPE DIEM! oh what the heck! Look at me being progressive!”
The funny thing is, sometimes I say to myself: “He’s not even your type that much so if he stops paying attention to you after sleeping with you, you wont care!” or “I don’t know if I want to date him long term so might as well get something out of this” or “I don’t want this night to end because I really like him” or “I AM WAY TOO ATTRACTED TO YOU AND CAN’T HELP MYSELF” or “I want to cuddle with him so much and feel lonely af I’ll do whatever it takes to get human contact”. As you can see there’s about 90% of chances I’ll sleep with him on the first date. Obviously well protected……

wish me LUCK